The Kalam Mashelkar Space Lab was inaugurated at Heritage International School on April 21, 2023, by Senior Scientist Padma Vibhushan Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar and senior ISRO Space Scientist Dr. T N Suresh Kumar. The lab was established by Vyomika Space Academy under the vision of ISRO's Space tutor program. The Kalam Mashelkar Space and Innovation Lab at Heritage International School is a step towards encouraging students in rural areas to explore new and emerging technologies and develop an interest in space sciences.
Maharashtra’s First Space Education Lab
Space is a subject that genuinely boosts the imagination and curiosity of a student and encourages a young mind to think beyond the boundaries of this tiny blue planet. As India is now reaching Moon, Mars & beyond, with that it is extremely important for the young minds of the 21st Century to learn about Space Science and Its Possible Applications.
Virtual Space Learning
We offer online courses on various topics like MARS Colonization, Interplanetary Travel, Einstein' s General theory of relativity, Astronomy including Masterclasses on Rockets and CAD Softwares.
Practical Space Learning
Space lab Workshops are a 2 days hands-on training session series in which the learner will get exposure to physical designing, 3D Modelling, Concept Understanding of the selected technology, and much more.
3D Printing Zone
Aeromodelling Zone
Robotics Zone
Tools & Electronics Zone
Astronomy Zone
Space Zone